The Web  image
Programming image

Class: CSC 543

Pierre Gustave


Phil Barello


Happy February Month, Happy Black!


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    [Project 1]

    [Project 2]

This web page, in relation to Black History Month, incorporates design from a black woman designer, Olivia Fields, whose work can be seen at Google web store with other great black artists' works.

This time of year, February, the weather is not as cold as it used to be. The temperature has been like Spring season instead of winter. Some days, the degree went high as 45 degree Fahrenheit.

Did you know that most countries uses Celcius for reading temperature? Do you want to know what degree it is from Celsius to Fahrenheit?

Please Enter Fahrenheit degree:_____

Click the conversion button____

The Celcius degree is:_____________

Aside from converting Fahrenheit temperature to Celsius, this web page uses the current time to load one of two CSS style sheets. One style sheet represents day-time theme (1am to 5:59pm), and the other night-time (6pm to 12:59pm). Depending on the time you are viewing this page, you will see one of the CSS themes with different text color and pictures. Both images come from the work of Olivia Fields. I personally use the star gazer on my Google page.

Talking about my Google page, this web browser, like any web browser, acts as client in the model of client/server architecture. The Google web browser fetches an http requests from a user to access a web page from a web server such as Firebase where the file resides. The web server returns the requested html or any other type of file back to the web browser for viewing by you or me, or a bot.

To learn more about web server and client application, a good start would be Mozilla MDN , Firebase , and Mozilla.

This page, that you are viewing, converts Fahrenheit degree to Celsius degree. In the html code, I use input forms, button and JavaScript code to do the degree conversion. Beside the JS code for calculating Celsius degree from a given Fahrenheit, I use a script to load two different CSS styles that incorporate time to load a CSS theme.

A little French proverb for you: c'est en forgeant on devient forgeron. (Practice makes perfect)

Firebase This site is hosted by Firebase
Olivia Fields where I downloaded my theme images.
Childress I learned to write code for the calculation and return its value.
Step by Step I learned to fetch text file using Fetch API with JS.
Code Box I learned how upload CSS file with JS.
Mozilla (
W3schools (")